The future

This is my contribution for this week’s Friday Fiction. I’m not that quite satisfied with what I managed to put together, but I wanted to put it out there anyway! I might change things around a little (any suggestions?). Thanks for reading and commenting.


“I see the end already…”

A soft kiss prevented him from completing the sentence. They had moved to this place – sheltered deep in the woods – to escape the media.

“You’re your worst enemy!” She declared, tossing a stone into the water.

“You humans!” grabbing a rake, he expressed his disgust. He had finally decided to clean the fortress and the mossy stone walls. She acted hurt from his remark.

“Sorry. I’m optimistic, but sometimes I fear the future!” He quickly apologized.

The foggy morning was turning into a beautiful day.

And the alien baby was gently kicking her belly.

***Photo prompt***
Copyright – Rachel Bjerke

32 thoughts on “The future

  1. Pingback: The bet | Words
  2. i do hope it’s born in its final form and doesn’t have to morph… larvae aren’t cuddly. (Not sure what you mean by ‘He bemused sparkles’) Interesting take on the photo.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. All I can think of with the image of an alien baby is the alien coming out through someone’s stomach in “Alien.” Not a pleasant memory. 🙂 You might want to change this sentence: “He bemused sparkles of hope in her eyes.” I’m not sure what you want to say, but “bemused” isn’t a verb. He saw, he spotted…those would make more sense.


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    1. Thanks a lot Janet! I appreciate the correction a lot! Keep ’em coming :-)! I’ve replaced the sentence with another one now! 🙂 And i think it also improves the flow in that way! Thanks again!


  4. Very intriguing. I want to know more: where does he come from, what does he look like, what’s the end he sees, why are they compatible… In fewer words, I could just say I liked it very much. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. How I love this Friday Fictioneers stuff. We gone from a photo of the wood to inter-species breeding. It could only happen here. Brilliant!

    Liked by 1 person

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