Stages of grief

My take on the photo prompt for this round of Friday Fictioneers. Hope you enjoy it.



“Oh! sweet Lord, please don’t let it be him.”


She shakes violently as she peers through tall naked trees. The decapitated head has his contour. “Why the hell did you’ve to play a hero? Whhhhhhy?”


“Dying in small installments is not living.” A voice in her head says.


There’s no light at the end of the tunnel. He was her guiding torch.


“Isn’t death liberating?”

She bursts into hysteric laughing. She laughs as they march towards her, peel her like banana, and do things to her.

Then they leave. No gun, no shooting.

Just a blunt knife.

*****Photo Prompt*****

The pink pill

Here is my entry for another round of Friday Fictioneers. Read and comment how you like it and what could’ve been improved. Click here to read other fantastic stories based on the prompt.


His mood swings always followed loss of directionality, and everything came spinning at him.
“The drug is experimental, I must warn you.” Had the doctor said handing him pink pills.
“A life,” he’d tried hard to stop tears, “long enough to walk my daughter down the aisle. That’s it doc.”
Holding the last pink pill, he awaits the call. Pink has represented many things in his life.
Father’s gravestone. Wife’s bridal dress, honeymoon suites walls. His daughter’s favorite color…
The phone rings.
“This is doc…..”
“I’ve one last pill, doc.”
“Save it to mark your victory.”
This time he smiles.


New life

My entry for this round of Friday Fictioneers. I attempted at writing a happy one this time around. Edit: After reading several comments, i edited the text so the message becomes clear. Click here to read other fantastic stories based on the prompt.


It is only her and the water
for a long nine months.

She bounces, twists
and turns. She floats,
kicks and explores.

And now suddenly she feels.

There is periodic pushing that
soon is constant and irritating
she hears scream, and distant voices
“hmmm…” she thinks,
as she glides down.

Then she senses.

Her gliding interrupted by pulling.
“Careful, that’s my head”.
She would yell,
if she could form the words.

Suddenly all she knew is gone,
replaced by all thing new.
and there is that blinding light
then something warm wraps around her
as she cries.


Prompt © Fleur Lind


Written for Friday Fictioneers! The photo prompt at the bottom. For stories from others, click here.


“For the last time, where is the entrance?” – An angry voice barked on the microphone.

She replied with silence.

“Press the button.” – ordered a calm voice.

The button, familiar from live broadcasts, activated flow of gases that slowly burned the skin, then detached flesh from bones.

“Everyone above 14 must report to the men of führer.” – was the order.

She had just turned nine.

Long before the war arrived, her father had finished the shelter, the entrance from the outside masterly disguised.

“One for hundred is a win” she smiled to the thought.

And closed her eyes.


Photo prompt

© Roger Bultot

Died once more

Written for Friday Fictioneers!


He lived to die three times.

Once at the age of five. They made him watch his mother turn into ashes only to hand him the urn. His tiny little hand could barely hold it.

Then at the age of seven when he buried his father next to his mom.

At 29, fully grown and matured, he pumped his two-years-old’s heart like crazy, his wife exploding in tears by his side.

Then he died once more.

***Photo Prompt***

J Hardy Carroll
(C) J Hardy Carroll

The best gift

Written for another round of MFtS. The photo prompt that inspired this short story is at the bottom. I hope you enjoy reading it.


The family had no idea that little Luigi would grow up to be…”

The woman burst into tears before she finished the sentence.

Luigi has been everywhere for the last week: TV, newspaper, blogs…you name it. The headlines have been clear and to the point –

Scientist died a hero a week after he finds cure for leukemia.

(c) Barbara W. Beacham

I see everything

Written for MFtS. Make sure you read other stories too. Photo prompt is on the bottom of the page.


I see absolutely everything.

The rage in his eyes.

The bullets fired from his gun.

Blood splashing from my chest.

His brain littered on the floor.

I see absolutely everything.

Seconds. Minutes.Hours.

The moment we kissed.

The moment we first made love.

The moment he went down on his knees.

I see absolutely everything.

Days. Months. Years.


© 2015, Barbara W. Beacham